Unique Visitors
Bounce Rate
Visit Duration
The total number of times your pages were loaded by your visitors.
Unique Visitors
The number of people who visited your site. If a person visits from multiple devices or on multiple days, they are counted as separate visitors.
Visits (or Sessions)
A session (also known as a visit) is a set of actions that a user takes on your site. A visit is started when a visitor first lands on your page and ends when no action is taken on your site for 30 minutes.
Bounce Rate
The percentage of visitors with a single page view. A visitor "bounces" away and leaves your site after only viewing a single page.
Visit Duration
The amount of time (seconds) visitors spend on your site. It only shows people who visit more than one page. For those who visit one page only we default to 0 seconds. Average visit duration is the sum of all session lengths divided by the number of sessions, which includes the 0 second visits (bounces).